Update of the Day

Feb 11, 2005 17:31

Hello Hello

Typical boring friday afternoon so thought I'd post on whats happening in my ever proceeding conquest to keep maintaining this stupid thing. For starters I have a mondo test in my Comparative Government: United Kingdom class on tuesday. We are responsible for 260 pages of text so this weekend is being spent frantically reading through all of that. The class has been interesting and I like the professor but needless to say I'm fretting. In my Nazi Germany class we had to submit a research paper last week and I thought mine was good. The professor came in earlier in the week barking about how awful our papers where and how he wasnt even going to grade some of them and they where just terrible, so I was real worried about it until I got my paper back: B- and we can rewrite it as many times as we like by March 17th so that can easily be transformed into an A. I had a test in my Political Science Research test that i thought was easy but i ended up getting a C on it so I'm not real thrilled by his shitily wrtten tests but there are pletny of points left to be had so no worries. Finally I had a Sociology test last week which I didnt think went real well but i just found out I got a 97 on it so sweet!

I leave for Paris three weeks from today so I am very very excited about that.

Dade and Kyle cleaned the house when I was at mass on wednesday night so the place looks great!

I also bought the "seth cohen" adidas jacket today online its a black track jacket with the three white adidas stripes down the sleeves so three cheers for that.

If you didnt read my other post the Da Vinci Code was amazing and I just started Angels and Demons. talk about good reading.

I may be working as a summer camp counselor at a camp in Pennsylvania over the summer if I can squeeze it in so that would be a pretty sweet gig.

WEll I hope this finds you all well

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