Sep 22, 2002 00:40
so, i just got back from the dance where i might have dirty danced(heh heh) with someone that i MIGHT have a big crush on!!!!!!!! the dance was fun other than the little sophomore class drama thing that everyone was so hung up on.
Got up early today to make brownies and finish my resume last minute for my ppl 2 ppl interview. Then off to the homecoming carnival where i found out my team WASN'T selling baked goods, so i gave the brownies to the v-ball team cause they did sooo well. Watched the guy's soccer game after working a shift at the french club crepe selling booth. hahaha, JaNee, WE CAUGHT A BEE hahahaha!!
Then to claire's house....Monster's Inc is the BEST movie, besides Emperor's New Grove of course (of course!). Some You Don't Know Jack!! Then we walked to HFL high school to watch the game, and who did I see?? Kate and Kelly! that was exciting.
THEN, it was dance time, HAC style. Good fun today!