(no subject)

Feb 24, 2012 21:05

Okay, so this is probably going to come as a huge shock to anyone who has talked to me for more than five minutes. Or looked at my LJ. Or especially my tumblr.

I almost wish Amanda Tapping had not been in Atlantis.

Yeah, I know, right? I know. Me, not wanting Amanda in something, when I pretty much just want her on my TV ALL THE TIME and such.

But it's true.

Because for reasons that are NOT Amanda's fault, I really thought Sam was pointless on Atlantis. And that bothers me, a lot. I mean they bring her on as station commander, and then she's barely in it. There were only a handful of episodes where she was featured, and several in season 4 that she wasn't in at all. Now, I realise that she was there as city commander, so she wouldn't be going on the missions and stuff. The commander doesn't go. I get that. And that's fine (although Trio was hands down one of my favourite episodes in the entire season). But when Elizabeth was the commander, she didn't go on the missions and still managed to be a major part of the majority of the episodes. But Sam? it was like she was brought on to the show because the city needed a commander, and then she was given bit parts throughout the season so people remembered she was there. She was highly underutilised as a character, and I think that's really sad.

Sam Carter is one of my favourite characters ever. She is an amazing character and I think she could have been exceptional on Atlantis. Not only that, but her departure was extremely abrupt-in what little screen time she had, she did a great job running the city and it seemed like everyone liked her. Sheppard himself called her the "finest commanding officer [he'd] ever had." And then out of nowhere she's told she's basically being fired? I don't get it.

I remember reading somewhere that Amanda left the show because she was going on to do Sanctuary. And that's FINE, and I'm of course thrilled, I love Sanctuary. But I don't think they wrote her departure very well, and I HATE how little she really was in season 4. It breaks my heart a little bit because I was so looking forward to seeing Amanda on the show, watching her expand Sam's character even more and generally being awesome. But then Sam was basically pushed to the sidelines for the majority of the season, and it bothers me. I don't think it was fair treatment of Sam's character by the writers AT ALL.

Ugh, okay. This is enough of this rant for now. I really do love Atlantis. It's amazing and honestly I've never cried so much over a  show before. But I have a lot of feelings about what they did with Sam in season 4. :(

annoyed, unfair treatment, stargate atlantis, fandom, sam carter, rant

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