Gotta love REALLY STUPID Liberal Lemming Protesters!

Apr 22, 2008 19:07

Ever wonder how so many people have time to get out and protest?

Most folks don't realize that there are three basic types of protesters here in the USA.

The first type is usually the independently wealthy. They are the Hollywood types that make bajillions of dollars and always have something to say about whatever the target de' jure / popular fad target happens to be. These are the instigators. Occasionally you will see a picture of them on the news or in a newspaper but not often. About the only time they appear is when they are guaranteed there will be national news or large market film crews around. This is why when you usually see them "protesting" it is at called news conferences, award shows, etc. Of course you can read their protests in nearly every daily large market rag. It's easy to protest from a multi-million dollar home overlooking a private beach on the Cali coast while sitting on your a sofa that cost more than my '06 Ford Taurus did new, while watching their six latest movies at the same time on six of the nine  100" Sony Flat Panel LCD TVs that are mounted to the wall in their "TV" room. (The other three are of course tuned to E!, Entertainment Tonight, and TMZ to see if they get a mention.)

The second type are the lemmings, the uneducated, usually minority, that hang on every word of the Oprah's, Obama's, Sheen (martin not Charlie), Robbins, Sarandon, Moore's, Gore's, Sharptons's, and Jackson's (Jessie not Michael), et al. To these lemmings, these folks are Gawd's by God! And, of course they have all the answer to the worlds woe's. They are always oppressed, disenfranchised, and due reparations (any cash sum will do nicely) for wrongs committed against their ancestors, hundreds of years ago yet since that time they have been given every freedom due every other citizen of this country and have even had laws made to make it easier for them to get jobs, financial assistance , and college educations - to the point where the progeny of  those who fought to help get these social and financial benefits for the progeny of those oppressed  find it near impossible to get the same help when they need it and qualify for it  them and their family  by people of their own race who hunted them down and sold their ancestors into slavery and by the evil white man.

The third type, still lemmings, are the flip side of the coin of type two. They are the teen to twenty something college student that thinks they have all the answers since some professor that hasn't been outside of his department office in 20 years told them what they needed to know  instead of challenging them to learn what is what for themselves -  which unfortunately - 99% of the time is exact opposite of what 75% to 85% of the rest of the population of the USA not only believes to be true but  is true. These student zombies, having being trained to respond to far
left-wing liberal crack-pots  like good little pavlovian toadies by their far left-wing liberal crack-pot professors, like the type two's can't help but fall over themselves when one of the aforementioned Hollywood or self-proclaimed  peaceniks  wackos spew forth their  oh so precious viewpoints.

Well I have a couple  of fun pictures to show you to illustrate the intelligence and real world smarts of these social retards.

You can't make this stuff up folks!

Picture one, a type 3 at an Olympic Torch run demonstration - maybe if they would have spent a little more time reading a real history book instead of just taking the prof's word for gospel they might - might have realized just how stupid they would look walking out into the streets to demonstrate. Of course the real kicker here is that it is clearly obvious that none of their fellow protesters saw any problem with the sign! Of course those "regular joe's" that were on the way to or from work in the real world most likely saw this idiot and his "special" take on the issue, which I am confident to say that the Regular Joe had as good a laugh the rest of the day as I did when I first saw it - and like me - I am sure he shared as well. Like I said you can't make this stuff up.

A typical type two, maybe if they had spent more time in school instead of gangbanging or trying to become the next Frank Lucas they might have lernt tu spelt tuu...

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