Subject: A whole mess o' Jonneh: New Tudors promo, hi-res images from the August Rush premiere, and info about a benefit concert JRM will be performing at.
Date: October 22, 2007
Location: Rome, Italy; NY, NY.
NY City CenterNotes: Pictured with Freddie Highmore and Reena Hammer. Do not hotlink these images as they are uploaded to my own server. Upload them your own space or link to this entry (not the pics) if you wish to share. Thanks.
New Tudors S2 Promo: 'Til Death Do Us Part:
Click to view
Hi Resolution Images from the August Rush Premiere & Photocall:
(Click to Enlarge)
Jonathan to Sing for Charity:
If you're like me, you've had fleeting thoughts of how nice it would be if JRM were a rockstar and one could buy tickets to see him perform every once in a while. Now if you're like me but also live in New York - here's your chance:
Warner Brothers, Richard Barton Lewis, and America For the Arts are sponsoring August Rush - A Celebration of Music. The concert will be held at New York City Center on November 9, 2007 @ 8:30P. Jonathan is listed as a featured performer and general admission tickets are available. Full details and ticket info available
Credit: Many thanks to
ladyminya for sharing the hires premiere images and to BratAngel & 59walnut56 @ The JRM Fansite Message Board for the Tudors video and concert news, respectively.