Keeping occupied:

Oct 08, 2011 02:54

People have been asking in all sorts of ways as to how I’ve been doing since the surgery; the answer is that I’m still off my feet, still in a doctors care, but doing better.

The foot surgery was held up for several hours because, as usual, people were having a lot of trouble getting an IV into me. Including the anesthesiologist, who was somewhat elderly and shaky…I’ve always been a horrible stick, and this was a world-class performance of Hide the Vein! It runs, it hides, it shrinks from the needle. Lots of fun being poked full of dry holes, so to speak.

The surgeon found two growths that were helping cause all of the pressure…about an inch thick. Luckily, they weren’t malignant, and they’re out now, The area is healing *slowly*, but its still swollen and often painful. I’m able NOW to get around without a walker, crutches or Roll-a-bout all the time, but still cant carry much of anything, or walk very far, stand for any real length of time, and its annoying. Still taking Norco for pain, which comes and goes.

This hasn’t really resolved the underlying problem with the sore on my foot being open, however…just stopped the progression of pain and having it get bigger. Which is something, of course, but I really need this to heal up and stay healed.

The day after Columbus Day, I go back to work (in my basement office), with a whole new situation…my boss for the last 20 years got reassigned by management, and then got another job in the agency that more fits her talents. So right now, I have an acting boss who is a very nice guy (no, I don’t want a managers job) and no idea who will take the job permanently.  Last time this happened over 20 years ago, I got a boss-from-hell who was actively trying to force me to leave the agency.

On top of that, there’s been a major reorganization, and all of the external work on the agency’s site is being transferred to other hands in order to consolidate it to a very few. This was rather sudden, and I have to re-gear myself and my duties to different areas. It is what it is, and that’s all I’ll say here.

This week, since Wednesday, Ive been nailed by a gut virus that saps all of my energy…sleeping on and on all day and night with brief breaks.  Very very not fun, especially since an old family friend is in town this weekend to look after Mere and Connie, so that Susan and I could get away for a day or so and celebrate our 17th anniversary. If nothing else, Susan will be able to get some much-needed rest and de-stressing while I do a Rip Van Winkle imitation, but that’s not the romantic part I care for at all.

health_care, cll, doctors_nurses, medications, pain-ow, susan, personal, mourning, home, friends, illness, bruce, sep_reality, sad, meredith, conniej, disease, surgery, kubler_ross, flu, health

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