Aug 21, 2011 16:34
Since I’m now the designated Doer of Laundry, I’m trying to deal with a backlog of stuff; I think I have everything downstairs and sorted out, it’s just a matter of going through huge amounts of stuff - and the interruptions in the sequence. Mere wants this smaller bunch done right away for her first day of school (tomorrow, for the 7th grade), and Susan wants this bedspread that the dog urinated on done right away, and so on. It’s just time consuming once you get a rhythm started, and I don’t think I’ll have any more priority interrupts…I hope.
Connie’s old pal Bruce came here for a week and a half, starting last Monday, and he’s been doing a lot of stray stuff to help us out…greatly appreciated, especially since I have had a really bad siege of interrupted sleep over the last week or two, and that does nothing for my energy levels. Believe me, I’m grateful for everything he’s doing, which has included teaching Meredith how to play poke and talking a lot to Connie / cheering her up.
Competitive so and so that Meredith is, that along with the sharp mind for stuff in general and numbers in particular - she loves the game, and has been busy playing on and off (mostly against Bruce) for the last couple of days. Since she already liked Blackjack, I’m afraid that she’d become a terror in a friendly game pretty quickly. (She’s not a mean loser or winner, but she is reasonably competitive and is learning the fine art of the bluff.)
On the other hand, on the laundry front, she can grime up the bottom of any pair of socks you care to mention in record time, requiring blasting powder to clean it properly. And when she was helping me run 50′ of Ethernet cable in the basement, she was still majorly majorly squicked by any dead bugs she found in a stray corner…so she’s still Mere.
Tomorrow after Mere’s home from her first partial day at school (yes, there will be bear photos) and I’m off work, we’re going to go down to Chinatown and hit Ten Ren Tea for new supplies of tea for Bruce and ourselves, and have a dim sum dinner at Mere’s request. (Not that I’m the slightest resistant to the idea!) .