Jul 18, 2011 16:38
Meredith is going off to Nationals at the end of the week with her coach and his family, and will be there through the weekend after. I ***may*** go with Susan for weekend #2, but it’s not certain.
I cannot go into it now, and asking why right now will be futile because I can’t say what’s up, but Something has come up that is totally eating our time and attention in a VERY big way, and making hash out of all of our commitments and obligations. I apologize profusely to anyone we had such arrangements with about this, but assume whatever it was in the next month or more is out of the question or at best very very very shaky and possible to be dropped on short notice - including Musecon (which is still on the schedule, but…), private parties and dinners, you name it. I’ll let you know the generalities if and when I can.