If you ask me what the real situation is with the Japanese reactors, I’d say I haven’t the foggiest (but I’m alarmed) because there’s so much stuff being spouted in all directions, and that I have little faith in any entrenched bureaucracy or organization to tell anything straight in the direction of bad news. I am absolutely repelled by the people making jokes about it (especially those that lean heavily on stupid Japanese stereotypes left over from World War 2) or claiming that
This Is A Sign Of The End Times.
If you ask me when I’m going to get over this *D!d## cold/pneumonia, I can only say
Insh’Allah (as God wills it), because I’m beyond discouraged about it.
If you ask me as to whether Birch Bayh is rolling in his grave over
his former ‘centrist Democrat’ Senator son becoming a big business lobbyist and talking head for Fox News, I would presume so, but I haven’t gone to the gravesite to confirm.
Whoops, he’s still alive… If you ask me how far people can pander to get the Presidential nomination, I’d say
having a born and bred Minnesotan suddenly pick up a Southern drawl when he goes vote-shopping in the South to be right up there, but that I don’t know how many worse/dumber things have gone on that we didn’t realize.