Dec 12, 2010 21:01
The Big Winter Dance is over with, and Mere is badly in need of a lot of down time. We got next to nothing about the ‘dance’, except that her ‘date’ couldn’t be there - he had a long-delayed bit of surgery that had to be done, and he was still recovering from that. She was alll worked up before that and tried to be screamingly busy after, and it shows. She got over 12 hours of sleep last night, and she’s been a bit more human today.
I presently have three computers down - the financial PC, Mere’s laptop and Susan’s laptop. I’m at a loss as to how to easy-fix the first one, but I’ve backed it up, am doing well with Mere’s laptop, and doing my darndest with Susan’s (which seems to have some bad spots on it). Apparently Trend Micro antivirus has had a corrupted update, the company knows about it and hasn’t fixed it and that is helping to mess things up; I’m replacing the program on the PCs with another one with my tech guy raves about, and trying to use ten tons of utilities to fix things. Also managed to fix up two external HDs that we had used for backups, and one has sucessfully backed up all the data on the financial PC.
Susan is majorly reworking her office, and ditching an old desk setup she’s had in there for a LONG time, and there’s a moderate amount of chaos from the fallout from that, which isn’t helped by the near-blizzardlike conditions here. You don’t want to lug heavy stuff out for the garbageman when it’s icy and 45 mph winds at 5-10F.