More stuff coming out on the octuplet stuff.
The dirty secret that many fertility clinics don’t want people to notice is that they sell hope by the very expensive bucketful, and their stats / success rate is actually worse than advertised if you can get past the caveats and BS. But if the people don’t have hope, they won’t come into the clinic,
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The hypocrisy surrounding this astounds me! Yeah, the doc involved is self-serving and may indeed be seen to have violated various tax codes and maybe some medical ones as well, but it's still a private choice and suddenly saying that reproductive privacy extends only to people you think deserve it is wrong.
All that said, should their be more oversight into the huge business that is reproductive medicine? Absolutely. The way to do that though is not to string this woman up by her toes.
Same thing with the doc. If this was Angelina Jolie and she was well-off but looney (think Michael Jackson's kids or Mia Farrow's 15 kids - some bio, most adopted) the most that would happen is that they'd shake their heads and roll their eyes. But the question is - where did the money for the IVFs come from? Did the Doc eat it? Did he charge the state of California and lie about it? Did he fake her costs into costs for other people? Hard to say. (When we went through IVF stuff, it cost about $10000 a try, and insurance paid for it.)
"In Nadya's view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program . . . and the resources disabilities payments she gets for her three children are not welfare," Furtney said. "They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare."
So, I guess the obvious follow-up question is, if welfare isn't a program "designed to help people with need", what the h-ll does she think it is?
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