How often do you change the backgrounds on your computers, and what sort of stuff do you usally have there?
As for me:
WORK: picture of Meredith roller skating from last May
LAPTOP: Picture of the twins from last year, looking very much like themselves…
HOME UBUNTU: Comet McNaught over a sunset, with lots of dark, layered clouds. (I tend to
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The server runs Debian Testing currently - I've never successfully gotten X working on it, because it takes proprietary video card drivers that I could never get to work right. Since grey-scale VGA was the only thing I ever got working reliably, and the only thing I ever do on it is text-mode terminal, I don't miss X.
At some point I'm going to get either Ubuntu or Kubuntu working on the laptop - the trial there is that the LiveCD's find the Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Bank WLAN Mini-PCI Card just fine, but when I tell the LiveCD to make a real install, the wireless breaks! And the instructions for getting it working ... don't seem to work. It's on my fight-with-and-make-work-sometime list - but not when I'm putting in lots of overtime at work (which has been all summer).
I did actually try installing all three variants (Ubuntu, Kubuntu w/ old KDE, Kubuntu w/ new KDE) on the laptop, and they all dealt with the wireless card equally badly. :-(
If they actually come up with one of them that will deal with the wireless card reasonably easily, I'll actually spend time learning X finally!
Meredith would be happy to give up her desktop for a laptop too, but she wants an Ubuntu laptop.
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