01 - Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02 - I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03 - You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04 - You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05 - When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
(Below are my interview questions from Kyra, cause she dared to interview me haha)
1. What's the worst injury you've ever recieved?
That would have to be when I was 6 years old. I was playing in my neighbor's yard and i saw their dog and when up to it and was about to hug it when it bit the side of my head. The result was 7 stiches to the left side of my head by my ear (which people often mistake as a shaving accident) and a dead dog
2. What's the coolest thing you've ever done?
The last time i went to visit my BFF Alli, she being the skydiving enthusiast that she is, convinced me to do a tandem jump while she did a solo jump. By far the coolest thing i've ever done. A close second would be rapelling down a 100 ft tower as part of my Marine Basic Training
3. What's the one thing that scares you most in the world?
Honestly there isnt one thing. There are a few things that all scare th shit out of me equally. Those things are unsecured heights (like being on top of a tall building and looking over the railing, cant do that) being a failure in life and ruining the family name, and drowning, considering i almost have like 3 times in my life.
4. What's the one thing you're most ashamed of?
Ashamed? I'm most ashamed of people who insist on fucking with me. See, im not a hard guy to please, nor do i ask for much from the people i call my friends. But if you cant be honest with me or if theres something important that i need to know and you dont have the decency to inform until i ask, then it begs the questions of what the fuck? And in the end its not that im mad at these people, im just sooooo disappointed in how much they suck at life, i guess you could say im ashmamed, ashamed i wasted my time letting you be my friend and gving you my trust.
5. What's the biggest dream you one day hope to achieve?
I think above all i want to be a father, not a dad. Whats the difference? Anyone can be a dad, but it takes a real man to be a father. My dad was a father. he raised me right, and put me in a good direction in which to walk the path of life. I don't wanna be a father like he was though, i wanna be better, simply cuz i want to haha.
Also i want to travel the world, something i may get to do within the next year or so. Might even be able to stop in England and see the surroundings, by which i mean Kyra:)