My Chemical Romance Fangirling

Dec 06, 2010 20:08

To sum up: I saw MCR play at the Roseland Ballroom in New York on Friday. It was awesome. Pictures are here.

Now for the flaily happy details.

I had arranged to meet someone from LJ to buy a ticket off her and ended up hanging out with her and her friend in line before the show. Standing outside in 35F for 2.5 hours wasn't that bad because we took turns visiting the cafe across the street to warm up and get hot drinks. Once in the venue, I left the girls to go to coat check and get water. I ended up getting a spot on the barrier on the far right. For those familiar with the venue, I was standing about two people from the raised seating area along the right wall right across the barrier from the ADA section. I spent a lot of time between sets talking to a guy on crutches who had wanted to be in the pit, but venue staff made him go to the ADA area. He realized it was for the best when he saw the crowd surge knock me into the barrier several times during Gaslight Anthem's set.

Everything was made more awesome by the group of bitchy, sarcastic scene queens next to me who were hilariously unimpressed with everything and everyone until MCR came on stage. They cracked me up with their eyerolls and pointed comments during the first two bands. Then, as soon as MCR came on, they became grinning, dancing, screaming fangirls just like everyone else, and we all helped each other protect our barricade spots from foul intruders.

The set list for the show is as follows:
Look Alive Sunshine - performed in person by Dr. Deathdefying himself, Steve Righ?

Na Na Na - so awesome

Venom - love this song

Planetary GO! - had to switch from jumping to just bouncing slightly because I let myself get a little overwhelmed by it all

Desolation Row - my video

I'm Not Okay - I got to see some of Frank's flailing during this one. How does he have bones, seriously?

Prison - Gerard's response to all the boys' shirts getting thrown on stage during Prison was hilarious. He's like, yes more shirts, let me make a pile, throw more shirts, I will catch them to add to my collection! Not nearly as impressed with the bra that got thrown on stage at one point. He made the ew, cooties face.

Ghost of You - love the new arrangement they've been doing for this

House of Wolves - I fucking love the drums for this song.

The Only Hope for Me is You - I love this song a lot.

Mama - dedicated to all the parents in the crowd. Apparently some band parents were there as well.

WTTBP - It's just so theatrical and dramatic.

Teenagers - Ray Toro is a motherfucking rock god. This note could be applied to all songs, but I feel like he goes more for front and center stage during this song.

Sing - This was the first song that really sold me on the new album, so I was so happy to hear it live.

DESTROYA - Gerard went off stage for a bit. Then when he climbed back up, he stayed down on all fours with his ass to the audience and coyly looked over his shoulder at everyone during the moaning parts.

Helena - I liked this to end the main set, especially since 90% of the audience knew what was coming for an encore.

Cancer - my video

Kids from Yesterday - So Gerard's fake fur coat was something he had with him or got from someone before the show. I saw one of the crew (big beard, pink bandana, MCR raygun hoody) walking around with it before their set and putting it on stage for him.

Not specific to any one song, Ray Toro's grins are the best grins ever. Also, he seriously rocks the fuck out, and his hair is amazing. It does make getting a good picture of his face frustrating at times though. Also also, Mikeyway kept giving Ray these tiny smiles during the show whenever they'd make eye contact. Like who expected facial expressions from Mikey :| Way? He is getting really good with the hair tossing and the back bending though. I like his sparkly bass. I couldn't see Frank very well during the show since I was on Ray's side which means I missed Gerard straddling him during 'Prison'. Don't worry, I have since watched this glorious moment on youtube.

I think I will try for barrier on Frank's side for the 9:30 Club show in May since 1. that's my comfort zone at the 9:30 Club and 2. I will be able to see more of Frank's shenanigans. I don't think I'll miss too much of Ray since 9:30 has a much smaller capacity (thus much narrower floor) than Roseland.

music, pictures, videos, fangirl

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