Apr 30, 2005 18:18
Friday: I gave Julie a note saying how I felt obligated to go to prom with Laura and her friend Marisa, but that if my heart had a choice I would have teken her becuase "She's my true Prom date." Unfortunatly she had the only copy so I can only paraphrase what I said.
Julie actually came close to losing her cool when she argued strongly with Mairsa and Laura at Lunch. She and Marisa had such a heavy fight, I was refrenced in the third person about who I'd take to prom about 10 times, while I was sittting 2 feet away looking for a way out. Mrs. Payne talkedto Julie later on and I didn't get a chance to talk to her afterword. Aparantly it didn't go so well and I hope Mrs. Payne didn't hurt her. My heart aches becuase I'd rather invite Julie, but I know I must take Laura becuase a promise is a promise (invited Laura first).
Today: Saw hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, after my mom accidently backed into some balistic guy's car. He was swearing at her and he said "Why don't you go back into your car like a GOOD GIRL!" He was furious at her and we werne't allowed to leave for quite some time. I mean we're gonna pay sevreal hundred dollars for a fender bender and he wanted us to go down to the station and pay sevral citations. Even the police officer just told my mom to go without additional fines becuase the guy was going crazy.
Tommorow: A's baseball vs. Mariners, I'm going there and I'll call John from NJ!