Mar 15, 2006 00:42
Woke up to a cold house cause the furnace was not workin...fixed it
Went to school at 11:30am
Stay in lab 11:45-12:30am
Lecture 1-2:30
Back to lab 2:30-4:30
Break reading for a bit
Lecture 5:30-7pm
Back to lab 7-8:45pm
Home, dinner
Physics book studying 11pm-12:45
Can't read anymore.....must sleep...updated journal 12:45....bed more....12:30 test
God help me...lab prep from 1:30-6:00pm...perhaps hour and a half nap if lucky
LAB....then sleep........
If I seem tired or you felt tired while reading this....i'm not suprised!
g'night all