Anya for BTVSAL

May 27, 2010 16:59

Who: Anya
Where: Halls of Vengeance (Another plane, so don't try to go there)
When: Time stops there, but around 3/20

"I only went to the girl because her circumstances told me that she would make a wish of vengeance, sir," Anyanka protested. This wasn't her fault. She had merely followed protocol, after all. After someone says 'I wish,' well, she had to perform the wish. That was sort of how this type of think worked.

"That may be, Anyanka," a voice from the darkness said, but she didn't have to see him to know who it was. It was her boss, the one who had inducted her into the ways of being a Vengeance demon, after all. "You still have disobeyed the cornerstone of our ways. For that, you must be punished."

Anyanka winced, fully expecting to have her head lopped off or something. That was what happened to the last girl who had messed up so bad. And yet, the blow never came. When she opened her eyes to look again, instead of being in darkness, well, she was still in darkness, but now she was standing on a street, in LA, where she had last been.

It took her a second to realize what had happened. This was her punishment?


Her voice echoed in the darkness. Now she just had to figure out what to do next.

anya, btvsal, btvs, alternate universe

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