Sep 21, 2006 12:30
I can hear the wind outside of my window blowing against the pane. (I would have written "pain," but that would have also made me angsty and 14 again.) So, last night I made butternut squash soup. Now I made this soup last year and it was sublime. Sometimes I get things very very right and a year ago, I was spot on with this concoction. No recipe. Just kinda made it up. So I tried it again last night. Wow, does it suck! And everything I have done to try and fix it just makes it a little worse. Call me psychic, but I see a trip to the dumpster in this soup's future. For anyone reading this, I intend to write nothing of any particular relevance. Currently I have nothing important to say. I don't know that I ever have anything that's actually important to say, but at this moment I am particularly aware of the unimportance of my utterings. A couple of weeks ago I purchased two CDs. I got them used, so it wasn't a huge investment. I got Styx and CCR. After giving it a couple of weeks I can pretty accurately say that I am not really a fan of either group. I kinda like how "Renegade" opens, but the rest of the song doesn't thrill me. I'm also gonna bet that almost everyone who reads this post could have guessed that these bands and me wouldn't have me the most likely match. The wind is kind of insistent. You know how each year - or at least this is the case here in Madison - summer ends, then it gets kind of chilly, then there is this week or so period when the temp spikes back up to the mid eighties sometime in early October - I really like that part, but some part of me believes that that won't be happening this year. Yeah, I'm throwing the soup out. If I think of anything importatnt to say, I promise to race back and post. Peace out!