vermont wasn't needed. however, it was nice and it was appreciated. old, new, and familiar faces kept my heart warm. i miss listening to crazy carl's vinyl. i miss the lake and it's everlasting serenity. LIVESTRONG. i need to get myself one of those braclets so i can keep reminding myself that's what i need to do. live. and live strong. kevin told me i was the one who got him into music. that means a lot to me. i realized that vermont needs to be in my life. i will have fallen short, if in 30 years, it is not. i played a lot of tennis again and realized why it's my favorite sport. on the drive up, the tread decided to rip off the rear driver's side tire while i was going 80 mph. if i hadn't kept my cool, i'd probably be dead right now. along with my dad and brother. why the fuck does the suburban want to kill me? death car. on the booze cruise [keg and hard alcohol], i talked with audra a lot. she's 18. not 20 like i thought. she also reminds me a lot of rachel. maybe that's why i found her so attractive. 15 people getting absolutely shitty on a big boat in the middle of lake champlain in the middle of the night? no, there is no liability there at all. none. trust me. the scavenger hunt was all about getting naked apparently. dj supersounds doesn't know who kanye west is. "carl west?!" "no. nevermind." margaret was really annoying. kevin saw god in a tree by the 1st tee. damn, i must've missed him. eat good food did not, in fact, have any good breakfast food. maybe they should change their name to "eat good food for lunch and dinner only. don't try and come here for breakfast because we'll give you a ham and swiss panini and call it breakfast." i played beer pong with pennie beach. what? you heard me. yeah. no, i don't work at basin harbor. i'm a guest. there were, however, lots of pirates at the mill. i just concentrated so hard to write/remember all of this that it almost felt forced. that's never good.
for my 22nd birthday, the family and i went to mt. fuji. good times, good food. i had never been before. and the last time i went to any sort of hibachi restaurant was at epcot in disneyworld. i think i was like 8. last night, i went out with friends to the funky monkey in morristown and celebrated. bill, tom, tracy, matt, and mike came. i don't really remember anything after leaving the bar. i woke up this morning around 9am, fully clothed [shoes and everything], on the couch in my basement. good job.
so, why am i unimpressed? i took 182 pictures in vermont and a grand total of 3 made it onto the internet. either my new camera is making me less of a photographer or is going to make me a better one [because 3 out of 182 is a horrible fucking ratio]. i'm not entirely sure yet. the one of len i took during breath of silence's 2nd photo shoot. once again, i took about 70 pictures of them and that's the one i like the most. oh well.
this just in: desperate youth, blood thirsty babes by tv on the radio is my favorite album of 2004. black jettas by ima robot is a good song. this fall is all about good shows. i'm even going to see the faint in october because tv on the radio is opening. i'm just going to stay for their set though. fuck the faint.
everyone wanted me to go camping this weekend. and then there is beth and natalie's party. and then there is greg's last show with breath of silence. i don't think i'll be going to any of these events.
but on sunday, bill and i are having a beer with trevor reitsma. motherfucking trevor reitsma.
though, i'm not quite sure why.