Cool weekend

Nov 17, 2008 22:43

This past weekend was awesome. I got to see my girl Chezy and I got to meet another one of her cousins and her cousins gf. Her family has some cool ass people. Chezy and I were supposed to go to see my uncle but the weather was getting bad when I was on the freeway before I made it to Chezy's house so I called and told him that we werent comming. It was weird though it cleared right up after I made it to her house. So we ended up going to the Poetry / art place that her friend works at out in old redford. That place was AWESOME. There was the one chick that recited this poem called " Some Hoe Shit" the hook was "Hoe Shit, Shit that shows we dont know shit". That poem was DA BOMDIGITY YO! She she did another one that I liked to but I cant remember the title to save my life right now. Both peoms were deep, they really made me think.

There was this artist that came around and was taking peoples picture so he could draw them live on a projector so every one could see. He drew me and Chezy ill have to post a picture of it. IT IS AWSOME. He drew it FREE HAND with PERMENANT MARKER in like 5 minutes. IT WAS AMAZINGLY AWESOME. After that we went to pic up her cousin and her cousin's gf (whom I mentioned earlier) and went back to her house for the night. The next mornig we woke up and ate breakfast. the watched "Get Smart" Which was pointless but funny as hell. Then I had to high-tail it home becasue I had to go to work. All in all I had a good week end.

The next two weeks are about to be hell on earth. I have a math test and its approching Thanksgiving so work is about to be a bitch. So if yall dont hear from me for a while you know why.
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