May 07, 2007 13:33
I didn't realize how infrequent I post on here anymore.
Jessie's life updates:
- New Job is going well, more stressful than I imagined. went to a neuro conference in FL last week. got tan and learned a ton.
- Moved into a new place with Jon. it's a townhome in Hudsonville. I love the room, and there's a nature preserve behind our place so our porch and walkout both overlook lush trees now. LOVE it. the move in was stressful but my parents and three of jon's friends showed up to help.
- On Easter Jon and I got engaged! He did it really casually because all the elaborate ideas he decided wasn't really him and he'd mess up. I was really thrown off by it b/c he led me to believe the sapphire would take months to find-which apparently not. It's a sapphire in the middle with a diamond on each side, all princess cut. I love it!
- Wedding planning.....we've decided on a year a season: Summer 08. I typed up a tentative guest list but we really need to start looking at places and set a date. but seeing as we never see each other- it's hard. hopefully end of May I will have a date at least.
- Jon's working in the Surgical ICU now. which is nice that we don't have the complication of working together but he's on orienation on days and I'm on nights, so we rarely see each other. although we live together we see each other so little I miss him-weird. He's looking in to Nurse Anesthetist master programs. so far it looks like Oakland Unv., Virginia Commonwealth, and possibly MSU if they get their program going enough. Not sure if he goes to MSU or Oakland if we'll relocated. he may just commute.
- I have an ulcer. nice eh? 23yrs old and I have a fuckin ulcer! so what does that mean? first it hurts, I have reflux like no other, I'm supposed to eliminate alcohol and acidic food for the time being, and if it doesn't go away I have to have a scope shoved down my throat-pleasant.
- I have decided I need to reduce my stress immensely. so now I listen to relaxing music on my drive home and I read and jog again- which it has been a lot time since Ive done either.
We have a spare room in the bottom level so if anyone wants a change of venue for a weekend come visit! Miss you all!