Aug 04, 2007 14:34
So, I pull up to the driver's ed place to take my road test.
And I see a homeless man sitting on the bench eating an apple, and he had a pretty badly cut eye. So anyways, me and my mom walk up and he said hey how's it goin, blah blah blah. He opened the door, came in and sat down and started filling out paper work.
I'm thinking.."Um, what the fuck.." as he pours salt onto his apple and eats it.
So - the homeless looking man turned out to be the instructor guy.
I was getting pretty nervous about the parallel parking... - and I had some damn reason.
The FIRST time, I barely got the back end of the truck in and knocked the cone over...
The SECOND time, I wasn't between the cones and was halfway out of the space..
The THIRD time I made it lol.
The driving all went well, and I passed so that's good.
I can't wait to get my license on Monday, FREEDOM!!
Well, for a little bit haha.
But my mom & I went to JC Penny's for clothes, got in & out within 45 minutes (cause that's just how I am lol)
Then we went to Golden Corral - and some damn bitch was all up in my back when I was gettin my fried chicken..
there were about 50 black people shoving me for fried chicken.
Call that racist - but that's what happened, and it is funny.