
Sep 01, 2006 09:41

Since I have time this morning I thought I'd quickly fill that Tutorial request by kateheightmeyer.

We are making this in PS7:

1. take the two original pics and crop them 100x100. We can resize Elizabeth later.

2. Take Shep and drag Elizabeth onto him. *winks* Resize her by edit->transform->scale. Make sure you keep the proportions right. Sharpen both. And erase whatever part of Elizabeth is still on top pf Shep (who can blame her really?).

3. create a new layer on top. Fill it with: #ADCDDA. Set to color, 82% fill. I erased around the eyes. Don't ask me why maybe I added that as a late addition:

4. Add a new layer, fill it with: # 0A182C, set it to exclusion, thus subtly muting the colors:

5. Now we need gradients. Links to them are here. This one goes from # 9A795A to # 5F5647 . Set it to color dodge:


7. New layer, new gradient: I used the ...err... spot setting in the gradient tool setting, to create that lighter spot. (Colors: #473E3A and #877469). Set it hard light, 86% fill:


And that's it! :-) Helpful? Rubbish?


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