Oct 05, 2009 11:43
Sorry text only...
Hey so I've been lurking here for around 2 years now but have never posted because my journals are pretty bland.
I journal literally everyday and haven't missed a day in years, I'd like to keep this up however it often leads to a very aesthetically unpleasing journal full of plain text. Although I regularly do collages and fashion sketches, i never seem to have the time to put them into my journal. I don't want to be bored reading back on my life so does anyone have any tips, things that I could incorperate into my journal daily or weekly without too much fuss? Or maybe even just orgainisation tips. The most I do is have my favourite pen sitting next to my bed and just write the date in the corners so anything else would be awesome.
ps. I use blank small moleskine notebooks <3
Thanks in advance :)
questions & suggestions