
Jun 09, 2006 22:18


I finished my diary last week & begun a new one on 6/6/06 so I figured it was time to capture some of my favourite pages & share. They're not as interesting as they used to be - you can blame Year 12 & lack of time for that but nevertheless I somehow finished this whole diary in around 3 months? This year, more than any other I've felt the need to write things down on paper. It all feels so trivial, yet it's passing me by so quickly I feel compelled to write it down in the fear of forgetting by the time the year is out.

It's been a very long time since I first posted here so hello, my name is Sienna & it's lovely to meet you.


&Inside cover page = birthday card from Ella who gave me the journal as a present last year
&Front page = tag & string showing the date journal started (1st Feb '06) to end (3rd June '06)
&Pages about Big Day Out (music festival) - best day ever.


&Valentines cards from Amy, Anna & Ella
&Pastel drawings - moi & random baby doll with bandaid


&Chip & Dale cartoon, photo of Jules (my brother), map of London (he lived there for a year) & ramblings about how I missed him on his birthday
&Sparrow stencils & the retelling of a wonderful weekend (dinner dates at Mexican resturants, bar hopping in St. Kilda, Rollover with Bret & his gang, The Espy with Cammo & Dodi & the kiss that went no where)


&Easter card from Mum - "Bejebus (Jesus) Loves you"
&Pages from after a big car accident I was in, including my hospital band haha (lame)


&Lior gig promo postcard - "my favourite moment was when Cam, Kitch, Petchey & I linked arms & swayed whilst singing to 'This Old Love'. I'm glad that song now has a new meaning. I won't miss the old one."
&Photo of Darko & I from Click Click (wonderful Melbourne indie club).
"& dispite our favourite songs being played on the dancefloor & the crowd being potential onlookers, he made me sit on his lap & we kissed. & when we both blushed we pinched each others cheeks like we said we would. He rested his face against mine to whisper things in my ear.
"Your cheeks were made for pinching. Did you know that 3+2=5?"


&Donnie Darko picture - "You're such a fuckass. You can go suck a fuck. Oh please tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fuck?" Rambling about how strange Darkos name is
&Opposite page = watercolour suitcase & luggage tag - "Sienna Primrose, destination unknown" text= "I want to drive to a destination unknown. The place we try to force ourselves to dream about with clear skies & countless stars. I want you to hold my hand the whole journey there."
&New journal. I've had this for a long time & I'm very excited to be using it.


&Back of journal :) Best $10 ever spent
&First page = definitions about 666 typed using my beloved $4 typewriter
&Second = "Last week I wrote a letter to someone who is practically a stranger. I sat with my typewriter & 'Amelie' on the stero. I poured out my thoughts on the first topic that came to mind. I rambled about love, damsels & knights in shining armour. It felt wonderful sealing the envelope & having an address to write to. A weight was lifted as I left my thoughts at the bottom of a post box. I had never felt so good for only 50cents. Next time I won't wait for someone willing enough to read my thoughts. Perhaps I'll pick an address to write to at random or post a letter to: NO ONE, NO WHERE."
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