Oct 20, 2005 22:32


The Favorite: Red Lion Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Red Lion
Color: Solid Red
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

Here's the most famous amaryllis of them all. Recommended by the Netherlands Flower Bulb Centre as one of the foolproof varieties. Red Lion is enjoyed by more Americans for winter bloom than any other bulb.

Apple Blossom Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Apple Blossom
Color: White blushed with pink
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

Another big favorite, Apple Blossom always produces very large blooms with lovely pink blush. Each petal is streaked with "apple blossom pink

Christmas Gift amaryllis bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Christmas Gift
Color: Pure White
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

Here's the jumbo white amaryllis that blooms very quickly. It's one of the ones everyone uses to have blooms by Christmas, as you can tell by the name, and it's fine for the holidays, but you can enjoy it anytime during winter to have a wonderful live flower blooming well before spring.

Whenever you plant your "Christmas Gift" amaryllis, it should be in bloom for you 6-10 weeks later. Enjoy

The Clown, Bicolored Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Christmas Gift
Color: Pure Whitepink
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

This is the famous "candy cane" amaryllis, so popular for holiday decorations. It's a foolproof performer, and if you have kids in the house, this would probably be their choice.

Exotica Amaryllis Bulb

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Exotica
Color: Salmon
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

This amaryllis is drop-dead beauitiful, and it's exotic in name only. "Exotica" is just as easy to grow as any of the others. Amaze your winter visitors with one of the most breathtaking flowers you'll ever see.

Picotee Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Christmas Gift
Color: Pure Whitepink
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

This famous amaryllis combines the colossal size of its bloom with the really delicate design flower experts call "picotee." It simply means petals are outlined in a contrast color, in this case, rich bright pink. Like picotee begonias and other flowers, this amaryllis has a exquisite quality the others can't offer. A real beauty.

Orange Sovereign Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Amaryllis
Variety: Christmas Gift
Color: Pure Orange
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

This lovely flower was bred and is named in honor of the Royal Family of the Netherlands, the House of Orange. The blooms are worthy of Holland's royals, being very rich, beautiful and serene. Each flower is pure orange, with very large overlapping petals. Delicious!

Red Peacock, Double Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Double Amaryllis
Variety: Red Peacock
Color: Pure red
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

Red's always been the big color in amaryllis, so this one doubles your pleasure. Red Peacock is the top red double, with its distinctive fine white centerline on the forward petals.

The Magnificent Blossom Peacock, Double Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Double Amaryllis
Variety: Blossom Peacock
Color: White, each petal brushed with pink.
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

To amaryllis lovers, the word "peacock" means "double," since the famous peacock series has become the top group of double-flowered varieties. And this one is the one most people know--much like a large spectacular waterlily. If you've never grown the doubles, you have a big thrill in store.

White Peacock Double Amaryllis Bulbs

Botanical Name: Hippeastrum
Common Name: Double Amaryllis
Variety: White Peacock
Color: Pure white
Height: 20 to 24"
Bloom size: up to 8" across
Number of flowers per bulb: 1 or 2 stalks with 3 - 4 flowers each.

In some ways, the spectacle of a double amaryllis reaches its peak with this white beauty. The multi-petaled flowers create an incredible snowball of petals. Exquisite.


Optimum Planting Time: October 1st - December 31st

Amaryllis How-To: Ever grown an amaryllis inside the house? It's a snap. There can be rain, cold or snow outside, but all you do is plant the bulb in a pot, water this "magic lily", and it zooms into growth. In just a few days, the stems arise, and in a few weeks the enormous flowers begin to open--huge lily blooms up to 8" across! (Each bulb produces one or two stems, each with 3 or 4 flowers!) Then you have the big show for over a month.

Planting Amaryllis: Choose a standard size flower pot, so the large bulb has approx. 1” around sides and at bottom. (These bulbs do not need much root space.) Use soil, or a mixture of soil, peat and perlite. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.

Watering: Water sparingly until the sprout is well out of the bulb. When first planted, place pot in sunny window, and add “bottom heat” if possible. Many do this by placing pot on a radiator. Once sprout appears, water regularly, but do not overwater. Your amaryllis will grow quickly and produce its spectacular huge flowers. Remember to keep turning the pot regularly to make the stalk grow straight as they have a tendency to grow towards the light. Once in flower, it’s best to keep plant out of direct sunlight. Simply remove each flower as it fades. Your bulb will produce several flowers.

Aftercare:When all flowers are gone, cut off the tubular flower stems near the top of the bulb, leaving the foliage to continue growing. Water as usual and apply water-soluble fertilizer every four weeks. In spring, after danger of frost, sink the Amaryllis pot in the garden in a sunny place for the summer. Continue to fertilize. At the end of the summer, place the pot on its side and allow the soil to dry out. Cut off the dry leaves, and in about six weeks repot your bulb in fresh potting soil and start the growing cycle again.
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