Almost everything went quite smoothly in departing Rome and getting back to Camarillo. The exception was that our flight from Rome was delayed getting off such that we were changed to a later flight out of Chicago to give us time to make the transfer. I napped enuff on that 10 hour flight that it didn't seem nearly the ordeal that I'd anticipated. Nora was not so lucky. She was unable to get any sleep till she got to her own bed. As it was, we needed every bit of the 1:15 between flights to: clear immigratiom. customs, recheck of security while moving from terminal 5 to term. 3 at O'Hare. But, we did get off around 5:30 PM local with the Sun still above the horizon. Since we were moving west at about 550 MPH and the Sun was closer to 1000 MPH, the sun's setting and then the twilight proceeded very slowly. We were over a layer of strato-cumulus with very poofy cloud tops which made for some photogenic views of the scene below. Thru occasional breaks in the clouds I saw quite a bit of standing water . I think the people below had gotten some heavy rain. We were still climbing at what I'd gues was about 20,000 to 25.000 ft when another airliner passed us going licedy skoot on a reciprocal heading taking him to O'Hare. I'd claim that he was exactly at our altitude and 1/3 mile away max. I think sombody goofed. It had gotten quite dark as we made our approach to LAX around 8:30. I tried some more photography and, having looked up how to use mannual focudsssing, got some better results. See pix.
We had just barely caught Joe while phoning from Chicago to advise changed plans. That worked perfectly. We hadn't been on the curb outside baggage claim more than 10 minutes when Joe drove up in the Prius at 9:30. Home by 11:00, we got to bed by 11:30.
Casey looks fine, but I'm not real sure she recognized me.