Jun 24, 2005 03:47
Today was a good day excluding the math regents. But I'm not going to worry myself about the regents because hey whats done is done. It was the last day of regents & techinally the last day of my junior yr!!!
After the regents I hung out with Tara & Anjali on Fordham. It was so much fun. Oo yeah before that I got my hair done which took forever! Having my hair done made me feel cute. Back to fordham...the 3 of us were starving so we ate a Subway. Mitch met up with us there and chilled awhile until it was close to his metrocard's time limit thingy. It was good to see him again. He looks older. We didn't really do too much on fordham but for some reason we were attracting a lot of attention. It was crazy at one point we were standing at the bus stop and a car of guys slowed down and wanted us to go to their car. And then there was the unwanted attention...old guys so disgusting.
Whoa I just got really tired all of a sudden. Here comes the lazy typing!
Got home and attempted to clean my room. Keyword attempted. I later got distracted by the cell. Spoke to Tye, Tara, Bes for a lil while & Sammy for a few hours.
Wow its time to get in bed. I have to pack for Tara's. Its going to be difficult man...i need to look cute 3 days in a row 8-!
<3 Jess <3
PS- Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes need to GO AWAY! They are sickening. I mean I'm all for love and being proub but dang there are more important things going on in the world. Or maybe I'm jealous of them. Not sure. Its prolly a combo of both....