(no subject)

Mar 31, 2006 10:23

I woke up this morning, and had a doctors appointment to make sure I was okay to go back to life. (a sentence that requires an entire back story)

Saturday after spring break, I was at work and I had to leave because I felt sooo sick and dizzy. JE came and picked me up after the whole spring break disaster, and it was the first time I saw him since then. He took me to his apartment, and basically resumed life as though spring break had never happened (almost).

On Monday I was fine, but when I woke up on Tuesday morning I was really sick. I was deathly ill, and waited a day to see the doctor. The doctor said it wasn't strep, but gave me a Z-Pac just in case. I just started getting worse to the point that I was crying I was in so much pain, and needed to see a real Ear Nose Throat specialist. She said I had an absess, and had to drain fluid from it twice. Talk about sooo painful. Omg. Needle in the tonsil is not a feeling I want to feel anytime again soon, until I remove those bitches.

I literally have been down for over a week, and with spring break and whatnot...it's even worse. this comes as no surprise to me though...because i've been going pretty hard, and taking blow after blow without stopping...and I really just needed to slow down. In any case, here i am at work. March 31st, and the semester only has one month left in it and much needs to be done.
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