Jul 05, 2012 00:07
When I did the PAT to test for the Police Department, the testing kicked my a**. The respect I have for officers and fire department personnel has increased 1000%. Not only because of the laws they are required to adhere to but to the physical strength that they need to be in. All I can say is that I passed the written tests but I did not do well with the physical. In mind I can do it, but I do not have the strength :'(. But now I can look at myself in the mirror and am proud of what I accomplished and know without a doubt what my limitations are...
So anyway, I exercise. I do a lot of aerobic/stair-stepping about 45 minutes a day. Sometimes twice a day and even with all that, I am NOT in the physical shape that is needed/required for police work. So, to strenghten my body, I decided to start
jump roping. What I learned in this instance, is that jump roping has much less impact on my body than stair-stepping. Plus my workout is 1/10 the time from before and I feel like I have worked much harder and feel like I have pushed my body. I feel good, better than from the other work out :)
love for it,
can't wait to exercise again