Sep 07, 2006 16:28
ENG 111: section 29.
Assignment 1: Self-Assessment as a writer
B. Describe any writing you do or have done that is not a school assignment. Do you ever write for pleasure? Tell us about any writing your friends and family members do.
Thesis Sentence: I love to write and I do so to keep in contact with others and express myself creatively.
I adore hearing myself talk. I find that the majority of what I say is either correct or brilliant, or that sublime combination of the two that one can simply not contest. Talking, as spoken word, is obnoxiously easy to compare to the written word, and because I more than excel at speaking, my prowess at writing is equally, if not more so, sufficient. With such an elaborate skill, I quite enjoy talking about myself in overly egotistical terms and frequently deterring from the point while lost in exotically long sentences. This skill also enables me to have varied and exciting literary interests. I find myself drawn to both classic (snail mail, for example) and contemporary forms of writing (chat programs, among many others), though I do pride myself on my intense dislike of female literature and stories with morals about ethnic diversity and/or brotherly bonds in today’s society.
I often write as an enjoyable pastime to communicate with others, which is not as entertaining as it should be. In true Judy Garland-esque fashion, I am a fairly prominent, if not irrelevant, member of a largely male online community that centers around a genre of video game that I do not play or advocate playing. This basically means that I spend most of my free time chatting on the internet through a cornucopia of messaging programs, blogging sites, and forum interactions. While the computer is an excellent medium to type on, I far prefer to engage my acquaintances through pen and attractive paper. Receiving letters in the mail is such an intimate experience that I encourage everyone to ignore the past twenty years of technological advances and have a go at postal exchange. Writing is clearly a very good way to keep up appearances, both through the internet and mailboxes all over the world.
I write to not only get a daily dose of social interaction, but to provide an outlet for the usual creative urges that every teenage girl apparently has. While in high school, I wrote several articles for the student run newspaper during my junior and senior years. These writings covered a plethora of topics, but the most well received was the social satire on why equal rights is a flawed idea and why instead equal opportunities is a significantly more sound concept. Several of my little high school peers also wrote for the paper and we had quite an enjoyable time discussing the inner workings of written media and its impact on civilization. However, with the exception of blogging services and school assignments, very few people in my current acquaintance circle indulge in literary escapades, which is quite a shame. Fortunately for me, this does allow more attention to be directed to my written endeavours.