My tweets

Feb 18, 2012 17:44

  • Fri, 23:21: @ alienblade Hahaha no prob & thanks! (: What are you up to? (:
  • Fri, 23:24: @ alienblade Hahaha yeah Maine is east of Ohio. But they're both in the same time zone & that's pretty much what I go by. (:
  • Fri, 23:27: @ alienblade sounds fun! (: just listening to some wrock/wizrock (whichever you prefer to call it) & getting ready to go to KM's house (:
  • Fri, 23:32: @ alienblade Hahaha it's cool, I'm not that great at Geography either. Ohio is under Michigan. Maine may be close to Maryland..not too sure.
  • Fri, 23:36: @ alienblade Ahh well if your routine isn't fun, then make it fun. Try watching a different show than Jerry Springer.. (:
  • Fri, 23:39: @ alienblade Hahaha yeah KM's is a second home more or less (: Yeah Maine's on the coast I think, but OH is more inland. (:
  • Fri, 23:50: @ USfor1D okayy (: what are you up to? (:
  • Fri, 23:53: @ alienblade Ahh I see. I love Family Guy! (:
  • Fri, 23:53: @ spiceymom2 you're welcome & thanks! (:
  • Fri, 23:54: @ alienblade because as much as I love her, if I lived with her permanently I would end up killing her after a few months..
  • Fri, 23:57: @ alienblade yeah I get tired of repeats after a while. There's like 9 shows I could watch repeats of without getting tired of them.
  • Fri, 23:58: @ alienblade Ehh who knows.. She just may..
  • Sat, 00:05: @ alienblade Glee, BTR, Merlin, DW, TW, Being Human, Lost Girl, Inuyasha, & Criminal Minds are the ones I'll never tire of (:
  • Sat, 00:05: @ alienblade KM says Hi btw (:
  • Sat, 00:09: @ alienblade how in the world did you forget DW and Merlin? They're amazing! I think the HP series is the only movies I'll never tire of. (:
  • Sat, 00:25: @ alienblade Ahh I see. HP really isn't? I could watch it all day (& I have)! (:
  • Sat, 00:56: @ alienblade Ahh I see. Which movies could you watch on replay? (:
  • Sat, 00:58: @ glitterpunkie no prob! Just be glad I love you so much (:
  • Sat, 01:05: Watching Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban :D
  • Sat, 02:19: @ alienblade HP & Alice In Wonderland are pretty much the only two I can watch on repeat constantly without getting tired of them (:
  • Sat, 04:11: @ USfor1D sounds like fun! What sport do u play?(: Aww that sucks that he fell asleep on u. I'm staying at my cousin's house & being bored..
  • Sat, 04:12: @ MoroccanAngel thanks! You too! (:
  • Sat, 14:09: @ USfor1D oh cool! Hahaha I ended up falling asleep instead. (:
  • Sat, 14:10: @ yurerubato yeah I did (:
  • Sat, 14:12: @ alienblade Hahaha yeah I mean HBC/Depp's version.. It's the only version I've seen. The first time I watched it was for HBC/Depp (:
  • Sat, 15:04: Fucking annoyed. >.< Going to town.
  • Sat, 15:14: Ehh what a wonderful freakin family I have. They all hid & made me talk to the Jahova (sp?) Witnesses when they came to our house.. >.>
  • Sat, 19:03: @ USfor1D Hahaha it is.. (:
  • Sat, 19:06: OMGee my feet are killing me! We've been to 3 stores & we still have like 2 more to go.. My poor feet! :/
  • Sat, 21:45: @ alienblade oh cool! I didn't even know what it was until I seen the HBC/Depp one. Are the other versions that you've seen good? (:
  • Sat, 22:17: @ alienblade Ahh I see. I don't think I'll ever watch any other version though. So what are you up to? (:
  • Sat, 22:31: @ alienblade sounds interesting! I'm eating at some Chinese restaurant with some family. (:


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