My tweets

Jan 30, 2012 09:12

  • Sun, 15:03: @ alienblade hey sorry KM had my phone & by the time she finished with it I was asleep. Do you still have the link to them or do you need me
  • Sun, 15:05: @ alienblade to resend them? Hahaha I really don't mind you not reading the ones you don't like. Hahaha yeah I had just finished rewatching
  • Sun, 15:06: @ alienblade COE & I was pissed off at RTD when I wrote it..
  • Sun, 16:42: @ alienblade Hahaha cool! No! I'm never going to forgive that bastard! He killed off one of my two favourite characters! >.<
  • Sun, 17:34: @ alienblade Ehh if he was going to bring him back, he would have brought him back in Torchwood: Miracle Day..
  • Sun, 22:05: @ alienblade Ehh maybe.. Is there even going to be a season 5?
  • Sun, 22:08: @ alienblade yeah I don't think many people actually liked MD.. It's like RTD killed Ianto & then made it impossible to die.. Ianto fans
  • Sun, 22:08: @ alienblade were kinda pissed..
  • Sun, 22:11: @ alienblade true.. The show just didn't seem like Torchwood without the full cast..
  • Sun, 22:14: @ alienblade true, but I didn't like that the full cast wasn't a part of MD.


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