Мои твиты

Jan 21, 2012 09:11

  • Пт, 14:48: @ spiceymom2 you're welcome, thanks! (:
  • Пт, 14:55: @ spiceymom2 thanks! (:
  • Пт, 14:55: @ alienblade you're welcome, thanks! (:
  • Пт, 21:16: @ alienblade thanks Penguin! (:
  • Пт, 21:25: I luv my sis, but she's hopeless when it concerns music.I introduce her 2 an awesome band/artist & she becomes a fan of an equally awful 1.
  • Пт, 21:29: @ alienblade I totally have 2 try that! Although it might be a bit difficult 2 get her 2 believe, bc if I don't like a band/artist I say so.
  • Пт, 21:35: @ alienblade I'm not that great of a liar.. Seriously how am I supposed to lie about liking Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, rap, country, etc?
  • Пт, 21:57: @ alienblade I could totally do the first part, but not laughing while I lie? I can't do that.. I always laugh when I lie. It's kinda weird.
  • Пт, 21:58: @ MCRDaily thanks so much hun! (:
  • Пт, 22:10: @ alienblade yeah but I don't like lying though.. I just don't think lying is worth the trouble that comes about when the truth comes out..
  • Пт, 22:20: @ alienblade from that? Nothing. But I was speaking about lying in general..
  • Пт, 22:25: @ alienblade I don't like lying because I don't like being lied to.. Ehh but to each their own. (:
  • Пт, 22:32: @ alienblade yeah I've told a few small white lies.. Nothing that would hurt anyone though. Mostly the 'Your hair looks amazing', and 'cute
  • Пт, 22:34: @ alienblade shirt' types though. That's really all though. How can you expect someone to trust you if you lie to them?
  • Пт, 22:40: @ alienblade that's true, but wouldn't it be difficult to keep track of what lie you tell what person after a while?
  • Пт, 22:45: @ alienblade Ahh well I don't think I could do it..
  • Пт, 22:53: @ alienblade yep! So what are you doing? (:
  • Пт, 22:59: @ alienblade Ahh I'm on my phone so I can't check them till tomoz :/ What's wrong though? Oh cool! I'm actually getting ready to do dishes.
  • Пт, 23:03: @ alienblade omg please tell me that was a sick joke! Why in the world would someone do that to a poor animal?
  • Пт, 23:13: @ alienblade me & my Mum take turns every other week doing them. I hate doing them.
  • Пт, 23:15: @ alienblade I literally think I'm going to be sick.. Children did it? Where the Hell were their parents? What kind of parents let their
  • Пт, 23:16: @ alienblade children even play with fucking firecrackers?
  • Пт, 23:29: @ alienblade teenagers? That's even fucking worse! They should know better! How would they like it if someone stuffed firecrackers in their
  • Пт, 23:31: @ alienblade goddamn mouths and watched their fucking heads explode? Stupid bastards should go to jail for what they did!
  • Пт, 23:34: @ alienblade oh they fucking more than deserve it! WTF did that poor defenceless dog do to deserve that kind of cruelty?
  • Пт, 23:48: @ alienblade sorry, it is a bit difficult 2 txt & cry your eyes out at the same time. That poor poor dog. Why would they do that 2 the dog?
  • Пт, 23:49: @ alienblade they have to be the meanest people in the world! Yeah I think I would murder my child to if they did something like that.
  • Сб, 00:24: @ alienblade you mean they're not receiving any punishment? That's bullshit! If they do that to a dog, what's stopping them from doing
  • Сб, 00:25: @ alienblade something worse to another human being?
  • Сб, 00:28: @ alienblade a few months.. What a fucking joke! Some people seriously piss me off!


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