End-of-the-Semester Crunch

Nov 04, 2009 09:04

Well, I made it almost 70% of the way through the semester without getting hella behind in any of my classes. It's an improvement! And once again, the problem class is Physics. I'm doing fine on the tests somehow, but homework is increasingly difficult and just flat-out long-- and the worst part is that I can't really complain because there is no substitute for doing Physics problems in terms of actually gaining a deep and intuitive understanding of the material. (I can and will complain about the online component of the homework, though. Seriously, what the FUCK, I paid $80 for some shit thing that's hard to use and doesn't get me partial credit. This is my angry face.)

Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning Systems is a joke class, and the joke is no longer funny now that it's taking some of my time if I want to pass the tests. At least 35% of the points are total gimme points: if you show up and do the labs, you'll ace them. It's not even homework: you just show up during the scheduled block and you can pretty much finish it-- that is, IF Clarkson's network is up. (Come on, Clarkson. Fix your network; you have a ridiculous amount of downtime for a tech school where students rely heavily on technology for coursework.)

Project Management is still fun, but it's also turning into work! I haven't been working on the major project that's due at the end of the year because I've been juggling Physics, and there's one assignment due this afternoon and

I feel like there's something I'm missing in Diff EQ because it's so incredibly easy, but I can't find it anywhere. (Seriously, who came up with this subject? You just fit the equation to the form for any analytic solution. I guess it's a good refresher of Calc I & II before Calc III?) There's a test tonight, though, and AAAAAHHHHGGGG I am nervous even though it looks like positive SIMPLESAUCE. However, if I bomb it, I can just retake it during the final slot. My first two test grades are good, so it shouldn't be a huge deal.

Finance is easy and the workload is pretty much constant. Thank god there's at least one.

I register today at 12:30. Next semester looks something like this:

Calc III
Chem II
Operations and Supply Chain Management

That's in order. The first three are MWF, the latter two are just MW. There are labs and recitations on TuTh.

In short, ouch, but hopefully next semester there will be less of a peak on Wednesdays where EVERYTHING IS DUE AT 5:00 AND THERE IS A TEST AN HOUR LATER.

This post was brought to you by Wednesdays. I'm completely overloaded with work, so clearly I am not working on ANY of it.

grades, homework, college, clarkson, finals, academia

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