The Big Lie

Sep 09, 2008 08:53

It's amazing. Or maybe it isn't. If you repeat something often
enough, no matter how untrue, it has a good chance of becoming
an accepted 'fact'.

The most recent is the Republicans' continuing statements saying
that Palin was a foe of the 'Bridge to Nowhere'. Despite repeated
refutations (such as on NPR this morning), they just keep coming
back with it, and it sticks.

Bridge to Nowhere --> Bad. Palin --> Good.

War is Peace.

Okay, so maybe there's a bit of wiggle room, and in some vague,
twisted Rovian semantic sense Palin was against it after being for it
once the entire country had decided to use it as THE symbol of pork and
made Alaska look ridiculous. So she used the funds elsewhere. Fine.

But as a geek what gets me is the Big Lie that is absolutely, 100%,
verifiably false.

On NPR today a reporter discussing the campaigning in PA blithely
said that 'Obama lost the PA primary by double-digits.' This lie
was been repeated again and again in the aftermath of the April
primary, and has apparently become part of the mythology of the

You &^&%^$#$^&& idiot. Couldn't you have simply Googled and trivially
arrived at

In what alternate universe does 9.2% translate to 'double-digits' ?
Do you have that little respect for your profession that you can't
even do a trivial fact check?


pennsylvania, npr, campaign, primary, palin

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