Quote of the Day

Aug 12, 2010 10:51

"The $25 million that you and I, the taxpayers, have spent on Victor Fehrenbach's training as an F-15 fighter pilot is down the tubes. The decade of investment that you and I paid for that built Jonathan J. Hopkins into a striker brigade combat team commander -- that's down the tubes. That's over. The $350,000 investment that you and I made in building Cadet Sergeant Katie Miller into a top 10 at West Point, Yale-caliber scholar who could also bench press you, if need be - that's down the tubes. All of that is over...

"If you are changing the policy soon, why not hold off the ruination of lives under the policy now, in the meantime? Why not do that? I'll tell you why. Because that would take some political capital. That would take some guts.

"And liberals, according to this White House, ought to be drug tested if we're expecting to see that from this White House right now...

"Lieutenant Dan Choi, Colonel Fehrenbach and Captain Hopkins and Cadet Sergeant Miller are all expendable, because doing what it would take to save them would be hard for the White House. So go ahead and watch their careers destroyed but stop complaining about it...

But one less soul-sucking way to motivate your base and to win an election and to keep winning elections and to, frankly, have history look kindly upon you is to get your base to cheer for you -- not just to cheer against someone else, but to see you standing up, not just to bad guys with worse ideas than you, but you standing up for what is right because you know it is right, because we know you know it's right, even though you also know standing up for it is hard.

-- Rachel Maddow last night on the Rachel Maddow Show, commenting about the current Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

rachel maddow, equal rights, dadt, obama

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