Mar 31, 2008 10:13
How many times do I get to say "nothing's changed"?
The county level Texas caucuses came and went this Saturday.
The original projection based on the precinct caucuses was
Obama 38, Clinton 29. It looks like it will be Obama 37,
Clinton 30, but it is very close and it's completely irrelevant
because ultimately it will depend on how many of 7666 delegates (!)
actually show up at the Texas State Democratic Convention in June
to vote for delegates to the National Convention.
Obama still has about 165 pledged delegate lead over Clinton.
The superdelegate spread has reduced slightly, from +36 Clinton
to +33 Clinton.
The Intrade line is
Obama 80, Clinton 17
(previous report: Obama 78, Clinton 22)
Obama leads Clinton in the averaged national polls by about 4%,
and is dead even with McCain.