Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
I've been to Mexico four times.
I was born 3 months premature. my due date was Halloween.
My bedroom is messy.
I work at the ET Adventure at Universal Studios with characters named Botanicus, Tickly Moot Moot, Orbidon (see lj Icon), and Magdoll.
My future roommmate and I share first and middle names. All three of us roommates all have J names.
I still think The Princess Bride is one of the best movies EVER!
The following people are tagged. If you've already done it and I didn't realize it. Then Oh well.
chollywelldailybecomingemptyscreamsabreezeygirlovercastshadowbroadwaysonata And I think
sonofzion77 should do six more.