
Mar 18, 2004 10:23

OK well i would like to give my first shoutout to my friends bc they are the shit and i dont know what i would do w/o them.

secondly, i would like to blame my pisser mood last night on George, thanks george, you are a bastard and i hate you and your fucktard ways.

third: like darcy, i have also come to that realization, those who are my friends know what im talking about.

also, i just aced my quiz. i would like to thank my drunk ass last night for that, bc it seems that i do better on stuff when i get drunk and dont study the night before. SWEET!

im gonna try that more often.

last but not least, my stomach hurts and i would also like to blame that on george and his accomplice Gerdie. you both will pay for what u do to me and my friends.

ok, i think i may be going crazy due to lack of sleep perhaps? no actually i think im just developing a chemical imbalance.

one last thing and then i will shut up, I HATE WINTER.
the end.
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