Tomorrow is the first of the spring/summer concerts for me schools which means this is the beginning of the end. I have one concert tomorrow and two next week. I have a fourth near the end of June for which the kids are already prepared and a "talent show" in July. Standardized testing begins the first week of June and although in principal I am not in any way supportive of testing, (I don't think it measures real learning, and it in no way measures teacher performance. It's a waste of time) I am happy to be getting 8-10 mornings off in June. After that many of students go to Old Town (4th) or Balboa Park (5th) all day for an entire week. So those schools are essentially out of my schedule when that happens. Last year I made the mistake of scheduling concerts during June and some of my kids performed after not seeing me for more than a week. That's not good although they did well enough given the time off.
I also finished my STULL evaluations for the year. The first year-round teacher to finish. I was evaluated to be excellent in all points and to be honest I think I more than achieved all of my objectives. Add to that the weather which has been more than perfect. Even the cloudy day was basically 70˚ and it lasted less than a day to be honest. This all means my motivation has run thin. I am ready to be done for the year. I seriously contemplated canceling classes on my birthday in June so I could take off and go to the beach or something. But I'm not sure I'm even in the substitute management system. I've never taken a day off. Probably a good thing since that would really be the proverbial trickle starting the flood.
My roses are in full bloom and when I get home every day I can look at out the back door and see about 20-30 roses. I can't get over how nice they look right now. I'm taking lots of pics.
from my back door
red bunch
with bee
Time to get ready for the concert tomorrow.