Bummer steph's not here!

Nov 15, 2003 03:08

well for all ofyou out there who care i ended up winning at poker tonight at poker. got some really nice hands. i gottah count my stash tonight again which sucks balls. it should be around $240 bucks. that's alot of change. lemme tell ya'. somehting seems to be wrong with steph but i don't get to find out what it is till later.

that'll be fuckin' awesome.

i'm eating rice candy for the first time right now and i didn't know you can eat the plastic around it. i've been sittin' here trying to remove it. so i just ecided to stick it all in my mouth and it all disintigrated! those crazy asians sure know their shit!
BT Rocks!!!

well i'm gonna go play some more poker but first i think i should continue on my daily lectures. today we will be discussing the terms "BITCH" and "BALLS"
i'm sure you've all heard them before but it's doubtful you've heard them in th context in which i use them. let's begin....

Bitch is used when something extraordinary occurs. ex. you found a twenty dollar bill on the street. instead of saying "Sweet!" or "Bad Ass" replace it with "Fucking bitch dude!"
when something really good happens it is referred to as "Bitch" so make sure not to use it for minute things like finding a penny or the shirt you want to wear. if someone does somethign really great for you call em' "Bitch". there are a few exceptions to the way the word is used. DON'T SAY! "dude, that's pretty bitch of you." or "You're bitch!" never refer to someone as the word itself. it's not a descriptive pronoun or whatever. instead say "thanks man, that's bitch!" i think we've got the hang of phase one. now onto the next lesson...

"BALLS" is used when something bad happens. simple as that it is the exact opposite of "Bitch" this can be used for virtually anything. you drop and egg on the floor and it breaks don't say "damn" or "shit" say "BALLS!" same rules apply for "Balls" as they do for "Bitch" Do not use them to describe someone. use them to describe an occurance nothing more. or an item. like a new car. say "do you're new car is fuckin' bitch!"

excellent i think we're making progress here soon i'll have you all speaking beautifully.
tomorrow we discuss the term "QAF" (pronounced: kwaaf) you'll understand once it's explained. this one's pretty good. stay tuned
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