This struck me as I was driving to work today. When I was younger, my first forays into Fan fic were to insert one of my own characters into an existing episode. I've had fleeting ideas regarding my original character Alan Kelly (whose stories can be found on
my fic journal) and The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords. I've already had him meet the Doctor a number of times (look
here) so there are some points that might not make sense unless you've read that series. But if you think this sounds interesting enough for me to continue or attempt to flesh out, please tell me.
The TARDIS is in pain from the Master changing her into a paradox machine. She knows the Doctor is too far away/can’t make it so she sends a call to someone else to help her.
Alan receives a psychic message of pain and a call fro help. He decides to go alone telling the others to come after him if he doesn’t come back/contact them within a certain timeframe.
He follows his link to the TARDIS and is caught by the Master who hates him for stopping him from getting into the Matrix (“Somebody Doesn’t Like the Competition”)
The Master keeps Alan a prisoner in the TARDIS, taking him out, dressing him in designer suits and calling him a “consultant”, when what he really needs him for is his psychic ability to get inside people’s heads. The Master keeps Alan from wandering off by using the bracelets the Doctor used on Margaret in “boom Town”.
Alan can’t understand why the Master hasn’t done anything except treat him like some trained dog on a leash. After the Master wins the election, Alan is there when he makes his speech after seeing the Queen and realizes that the Master has simply been waiting for the Doctor to arrive, somehow believing he’d find a way without his TARDIS.
The Master locks Alan back in the TARDIS not wanting to run the risk of Alan ruining his plans again, not when they’re so close