Dec 26, 2006 23:42
Despite only just having graduated, I am already feeling nostalgic about my time at uni. Partly to fire this nostalgia, and partly to slap myself around a bit and say 'what the hell are you talking about? you were bluddy miserable', i had a quick read through my livejournal. And lo! It was embarrassing reading, but... nice. The ultimate act of narcissism, but I quite enjoyed reading it. Its astonishing how much of my recent past I forget, and it brings to the fore all kinds of questions about the nature of 'personhood' and continuity... all of which is a roundabout way of saying that I should write in my livejournal more. There we go.
So, I am four months into my job. An estimator for a local print company. People who I speak to seem to see it as a stop-gap job, which I suppose in some respects it is - I can't see us living in Aberystwyth forever (who knows) - but actually I'm quite enjoying it... its a nice company, I get on quite well with colleagues, and the print industry feels a little bit like i'm working in a creative industry, y'know? Just a little. Its nice. At the same time, the work can sometimes be a little mind-numbing, and however much I paint it up, it is basically 'just' an office job... I go in at 9, turn on the computer, and then turn it off again at 5. The jury is still out, basically, watch this space.
I am secretly looking out for adverts for posts in the National Assembly. That feels like a cliché too though - and I might be leaving a good thing for something that only sounds good. Priorities, John!
My M.A. has started - that is to say, the first OU module which might, one day, count towards an M.A. has started. It is difficult, but really really enjoyable. I've only been studying for 2 months and the course content has already forced me to take another look at some of my attitudes towards environmental ethics. As I hoped, it slots in nicely with my 'day job', and whilst I don't have an awful lot of free time, free time never got on all that well with my mental health in any case. There is a downside, and that is the essays - the assessed work - as I should have learnt during my undergrad, deadlines don't agree with me, and I think I've probably embarrassed myself in the first essay. Hopefully a bit of planning in advance and all that stuff will help for essay number two... but frankly, will that happen? Like hell it will.
I'm at my parents' new home in Coventry. Its quite pleasant.
Christmas was uneventful this year. Just how I like them.
Back to work on the 2nd.
I'll update more. Yes. Yes I will.