(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 03:13

(In a dorm room, far, far away from most of you, a.k.a. Chez Bigelow, 30 seconds ago)

Janet (comes upstairs from doing laundry, very carefully closing floor entrance door behind her as an act of respect and not-wanting-to-be-finedness as per the new 23-hour-quiet-hour policy)

Steven Singh (exits his room, looking confused and more than likely hopped up, at the exact same moment)

Steven Singh (whispering, also as per the new 23-hour-quiet-hour policy):  Hi!

Janet (following suit and whispering in response):  Hi, Steven Singh.

Steven Singh : I was just eating some PICKLES!

Janet (Confused/not hearing properly)  Some WHAT?

Steven Singh:  Some PICKLES!

Janet (clearly still not getting it):  But you were doing WHAT with pickles?

Steven Singh:  I was EATING them!

Janet:  Oh.  Okay then.

Steven Singh:  But now it smells AWFUL.

Janet:  Oh, that's a shame.  But were they good?

Steven Singh:  Aww, they were delicious.  Really.

Janet:  Well that's okay, then, isn't it?

Steven Singh:  I guess so.  See you tomorrow.

Janet:  Good night, Steven.


Oh, unless you were wondering more about Steven Singh, in which case we should add a couple more exchanges involving him...

(Just outside of Bigelow, where Steven Singh, non-smoker of Middle Eastern descent, is smoking and wearing a very fashionable pinstriped brown, pink and blue shirt not unlike the one David Rodgers wears every day, and Janet is walking by on the way to Meal Hall with Blair, Amy and Meghan)

Steven Singh:  You guys should steal me something if you're going to Meal Hall.  Then again, you aren't as good at stealing things as me.  I steal entire cups of coffees from there.

Blair:  Cups of coffees?

Steven Singh:  Fuck you guys!  Hi Janet.

Janet:  Hi, Steven Singh.  That's a very snappy shirt you're sporting today.

Steven:  Thanks.  I know.  It matches my brown skin very nicely, doesn't it?


(And finally, his intoduction to a housemate from second floor)

Deirdre:  Hi.  I'm Deirdre.

Steven:  Hi, Deirdre.  My name's Steve.  I'm a terrorist.


I love approximately 92% of the people I live with a whole lot.

Conor's coming to see me in two more sleeps and the rest of you clowns won't be here until effing January. Come oooooon.  Get your acts together.

Who else has had snow on the ground?  We had snow from Saturday night until this morning and it was so exciting SOME of us felt the need to lie on the ground in tee shirts and skirts while it fell.  In so doing we met at least two memorable new people, so THERE.

I should stop crying on the phone.  I should also do my French reading that was supposed to be done by Friday.  I should also go to sleep sometime (and by the sounds of things, make a to-do list), but I didn't get up until 1:00 today, so I'm more sad than I am sleepy.  I miss everybody in the whole world.  If anyone comes to see me I'll go for coffee with them and talk about whatever they want.  Anybody?  Anybody?

Fine, at least leave me a comment saying what we'd talk about.  Pleeeeeeeeeease?

Good night.
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