You guys today I waited from 2:30 until 3:10 for a bus that's supposed to come every ten minutes 8D
so here are some sketch-type-things of Crowe, Edge and Reimi in their underwear. These topics are clearly related somehow.
You can tell I started with this one! Mostly I was just messing about with lolanatomy and thicker brushes.
getting the hang of drawing at this point, but still pretty lolanatomy. You can tell I'm more warmed up now, though, because I totally didn't do the thicker lines thing and as thus this is almost a different style from the first one orz But I was definitely going wheee drawing is fun! For this one.
The sketch went so fast for this one! And was more stylised! Again, drawing was fun! And then I looked at it and went fffff and then there was like a full of hour of me going HOWDOESIDRAWGURL
I. I apparently am so out of practice that I can no longer figure out what girls are supposed to look like. .____. MORE PRACTICE FOR ME IT IS. Also her colors are sloppy because at this point my legs and my back and my hands were all killing me (I have to sit cross-legged on the floor to draw)
In conclusion: I need to draw girls more often, and also I need to draw both Reimi and Crowe an actual picture, because their designs are really nice.
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