It's a Dis-co~ In-fer-no~

Jul 29, 2009 09:02

So as anyone on the PNW can tell you, we're in the middle of a heat wave right now -- 8:30 in the goddamn morning and it's already nearing 80! Unacceptable. Boy howdy does it make me excited about work, though -- see, we have air conditioning, which (as anyone on the PNW can tell you) a lot of places out here just... don't. We've been spending our afternoons and evenings in our basement with fans on, eating ice cream. It's the best we can do.

I almost called out today -- last night I found a site called 1001 vinegar tips, which had ideas on how to clean pretty much any surface in the house with various vinegar/baking soda mixes, and I really, really wanted to stay home and try most of them (Yes. Yes I am a huge dork. I realize this). But then I remembered that it's supposed to be over 100 this afternoon, and I really, really didn't want to be upstairs cleaning during that.

What's humorous to me is that, here at work, many people aren't coming in, and people just shrug and say "Oh, yeah, can't blame them." -- which is exactly what happens when it snows. As I've said before, coming from a state where we never had any activity called on account of weather before, I'm always sort of amused and oddly...touched? That for a lot of people out here "weather" is a perfectly acceptable reason to just stay home.

something to really cry about

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