Of Chivalry and Tampons

Jul 22, 2010 15:15

First off she called when I was eating dinner, so of course I wouldn't be able to talk to her even if I had wanted to. So while I'm chewing she says, I get the feeling you don't want to talk to me.

I say actually no, I really don't.

She gets upset and asks, 'What did I do?'

At this point she had been blowing me off for some time. She even came over to my house, ate and slept the entire time and snuck out the next morning while I was asleep. So this question was very redundant considering that the very next day I told her why I was pissed.

So I says, 'You know what you did'.

She says, no, I don't know. What can I do to fix it?

So I say, nothing that I haven't already tried.

She started crying and asked why I didn't want to talk to her. She knew why, as I had told her at least 12 times before. You're an adult, you don't stick up for yourself and ignore people when they try to help you. Then you ignore your friends who want to help you for months, and even when they need you. I mean she's the only person holding herself back.

My mom will beat my ass for questioning her, Sara's mom has never hit her and generally takes care of her pretty well. And if I can stick up for myself in my situation, there is NO logical reason she can't. She has absolutely no one to blame but herself for her life.

She was not contributing to the relationship. This is not a one way show, I need help too, and she just can't show up when she needs something or when it's conveinient for her and then ignore me when I need help.

I did my part man, I tried. I'm surprised it lasted this long.

So she tries to play the pity card, and tells me she has no friend's anymore. Oh why don't I have friend's anymore. And that's bullshit, because I really have no friends at all outside of the internet, and I have been trying for so long to make things work between me and her. So that pissed me off, and I told her exactly why AGAIN. What did she expect? A friggen' pie? Thank you for being a terrible friend?

So she not only hangs up the phone, because remember what I just said about her ignoring people? She was hiding her head in her shell again when faced with the truth that she was the one at fault and an angry reaction from someone she had ignored.

So twenty minutes later instead of calling me herself and yelling at me herself. Breaking off our friendship herself. My brother gets a phone call from some guy asking for me. I tell him if it's Sara I don't want to talk to her. So my brother pretty much plays mediary, and the guy on the phone gets an atitude and says, 'well it's important' so I say pretty much, 'If it's so important, he can tell you, Nawab'.

So the guy tries threatening my brother which is a big nono because Nawab does not like to be fucked with. And as selfish a prick as he is we are HIS. My mom, sister and I are HIS. And nobody fucks with us but him. So he started laughing at the guy and telling him that if he ever tried to call this house and talked to his sister like that again, he'd go over and beat the fuck out of him.

And he would too, which is oddly endearing. He then said, Sara's a big girl, and you need to leave fighting between bitches to bitches. Only punks threaten girls.

The guy told him to tell me not to call them anymore, and my brother said, and it was really fucking funny how he said it, he's all: Nigga you called me.

After which the line went dead and my brother and I made fun of him for an hour.

One of the finest moments of chivalry that boy has shown, I swear. 8U

tomfoolery, no u, assahttery, sara, pms, dickery, bitches be trippin

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