Culinary Arts College

Jul 16, 2010 18:20

So anyway we went today and it was pretty fucking rad. I mean seriously, everything is hands on and state of the art. It's a 90 week program, and at the end of it, I could spend up to ten weeks learning to cook in Italy. Am so stoked.

Well anyway It was a bad experience, but not because the school was bad. See, my mom showed up an hour late, so we were an hour late. Then she pulled this shit when we got there, RIGHT as we were talking to the guy, and told me she had to pick up her boyfriend. FUCK THAT FAGGOT. I was so pissed. I took potshots and outright insulted her all throughout the tour. I must've sounded like such a bitch, but fuck it, I don't care. What she did was wrong. She showed up late and then tried to lie to me about when we had to leave. She fucking told me out right, that we could stay as long as we needed to. Then she pulled this shit.

My schooling should be more important than some 40 year old dick who is more than old enough to get himself a ride. Not to mention that their breaking up, so it makes no fucking sense.

My mom even forgot to bring the right papers. So I couldn't stay and finish the fucking enrollment. HOW can you not tell the difference between a 2008 paper, and a 2009 paper? It's posted in bold at the top of the damn page and in 5 other places. So now we have to go back to the place on Tuesday, instead of just getting it over with. And no offense, but I hate going places with my mother, she's such a high and mighty bitch. I do this for you, and I do that, why don't you treat me with respect? Why are you such a bitch when I do this and this and blah blah blah blah blah nag me to fucking death.

You're a bitch mom. A neglectful, self righteous bitch. You blow us off for weeks, and suddenly you want us to be your best friend. You show up late to everything, and you want a pat on  the back. You whine and nag and make the job harder, and you want recognition. Your own kids HATE you, because you'd rather spend time with everyone else before us. Oh it's not that you don't provide for us physically, but we're people, and we need emotional attention too..

I had to take an aptitude test. I did horribly in math. I know I did, because I didn't even get to finish. English was simple as fuck.

school, momma, cooking

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