First post in a while...

Jun 05, 2008 11:56

So Monday morning, I started to notice a pain in my side around 10:00 AM. It wasn't anything severe, so I just ignored it and went on with my work. But as the day went on, it got worse and worse. To date, it hasn't gone away.

It's a sharp pain at the bottom right of my ribcage that is aggravated by sudden or deep inhalations (or both). This means that it really only hurts to laugh, cough, sneeze, or yawn. I expect that singing in the correct way would also be painful. I'm fairly sure that, because of what it takes to aggravate it, it's a muscular thing, but I'm going to the doctor's this afternoon just to be sure.

On a less painful note, my sister and I spent the last two days in New York City. Walking was a new brand of hell, but I really enjoyed the musical that we went to see: Wicked. It was different from my expectations, and I thought that Galinda/Glinda was overacted a bit, but overall I thought it was good.

We also got to see some of the city's sights, which made me feel touristy, but at least Abby had fun. As she said, I had nowhere specifically that I wanted to go, so following her around the city was more than tollerable.

In any case, now I go to shower and then to go to get gas and go to the doctor's office...
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